Tuesday, February 16, 2010

An Update about the fundraiser

Hey crew,

Just wanted to give a few more details...

The women's fitted t-shirts are "very fitted".  So if you haven't already purchased one go for a size up, if you have put your shirt on and pull it around your knee to stretch it out.  :)

Also you have to buy one of the 4 t-shirts in the "store" in order for me to receive a commission.

Thanks to all who have already bought a t-shirt and for those who will, thanks in advance!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


In an earlier blog I spoke about a prospective fundraiser...

Its here (well has been for a little while, I just haven't blogged it yet). 


Its a tshirt store.  The "My Heart is in Ethiopia" tshirt is an original design by Daniel Mitchell.  He's the best.  Let me know if you have any questions. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Home visit 2 done.  Home study rough draft written and already emailed to me to check.  Sweet. Only one small change.  Awesome.  Now to the supervisor then to the placement agency to check.  Then back to me.  I then have to get it state certified.  So hopefully by the end of the month I will have all my dossier paperwork turned in and onto the waiting list for a referral I will be placed.  Every day new things hit me.  I'm gonna be a mom.  I'm gonna loose lots of sleep.  (Honestly, not something i'm looking forward too, but who really ever is, right?) I'm gonna take him/her to the park.  My nephew and soon to be number 2 are going to have a cousin.  That excites me.  I think I'm beginning to ramble a bit so for now I shall go!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Home Visit One Done

My house is cleaner than it has ever been, and quite possibly will ever be again. BIG THANKS to my sister for making that happen.  My social worker and 2 interns came on Monday night and completed the first visit.  It was an educational visit regarding international adoption.  I knew the majority of the information, but its always nice to go over it again.  My social worker adopted her daughter 8 years ago so she has personal information and stories which are always nice and helpful.  She comes again this monday for my final home visit.  Once that is done and the home study is completed and turned in, along with my dossier (hopefully by the end of February) then on the referral waiting list I shall go.  I'm so ready to get my name on that list and get this waiting period started.  So once again its hurry up and wait.