Monday, August 16, 2010

36 hours and 6 minutes

I will be boarding a plane to Addis, via Atlanta and Dulles. 
I will land in Addis around 7pm Thursday night.
I will meet Gman Friday am for the first time.
Saturday will also spend time with Gman.
Sunday will travel to Durame (south of Addis) and hopefully meet Gman's birth mom, if she can make it. 
Monday will travel back to Addis and spend more time with Gman that evening.
Tuesday will have visa appt at US embassy then will take custody of Gman and he will spend the rest of the time with me and family in hotel.
Wednesday will be a farewell coffee ceremony at the care center for all the families leaving.
Thursday we will be issued our visas and our flight leaves that evening at 10:15pm (ET time).
We will land in Dulles at 7:55am (eastern time). 
We are supposed to land at 3:24pm, but we are flying delta from Atlanta, so who really knows if we'll be on time.

Looking forward to showing all of you the pictures and times to come!


Sue Samuels said...

WOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!! It's really happening! Finally! I'm so excited for you. I know it will be a long trip, but how incredible to finally have your boy home! I can't wait to see pics, to hear about your experiences, and to meet your beautiful son!!!

Anonymous said...

I can still remember the anticipation and jitters and pure excitement knowing the time was actually here to go get my boy. I am teary eyed knowing that you too are experiencing the same emotions and are headed to finally bring your son home. Ben and I are beyond thrilled for you and cannot wait for our first playdate!

Julie Tiemann said...

So very exciting!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see pics of the little man!!!!! Good luck!!!