Friday, September 17, 2010

It's been a full week!

This week has been a full week.  We started with the International Adoption Clinic as previously posted.  Then we went to the lawyers to start the re-adopt preceedings.  When you don't meet your child prior to foreign country adoption, you have to re-adopt them in order to apply for citizenship in the USA.  Then we went to the zoo, for our first zoo experience.

He had a blast, ran around, and wore himself out.  Twice we took Maddie (our dog) to the dog park to run around and burn off some her energy. (Poor dog hasn't gotten her normal walks, must do better on that one!) 

Tonight we ate mexican and then ran around T@rget with my brother, Uncle Daniel to Gizatu,  Aunt Kristen, Aunt Niki and cousin Andrew.  Gizatu kept giving Andrew hugs.  It was very sweet.  Tomorrow Peepaw and Grammie come ( oh if you could hear him say Grammie, it so cute!)  So there we are for now. 


Spenge said...

I'm proud of you! And I'm praying for you both.

And, girl--go buy a friggin camera cord cuz I NEED MORE GIZATU PHOTOS!!! :-)

Julie Tiemann said...

He is so stinking cute!

Sue Samuels said...

YAY!! How fun!! Thanks for this post and for the pics...makes me smile!!!