Sunday, October 10, 2010

Another first, Church!

Today we went to church for the first time.  For me it had been 7 weeks since I had been in a service.  For G, I truly have no idea.  He could have gone to church before he came into the care center.  But it was definitely his first time in a church in the States.  We had visited the church a couple of times when there was no one there so that he'd be somewhat used to it. 

We got there a little after the service started and sat in the balcony.  He made it through the beginning of the sermon.  Then I took him into the nursery.  We played on the floor with blocks and made a new friend.  He didn't venture far away from me.  We then headed to the Fellowship hall for "cookie hour".  Needless to say he was the center of attention.  He definitely was overwhelmed, but did really well.  No one tried to take him out of my arms, one person did try to pick him up when he was standing next to me, but he very kindly understood why he couldn't.  People talked to him, but stood there distance and I appreciate it more than I can say.

I thought that he'd had enough so I headed to the Sunday School room to tell his teacher that we were going to head home, but then he saw the blocks and wanted to play some more.  Thus we did.  He played with the kids and ran around the room like all the other kids.  I must say I was a proud mama. 

A few pics of Sunday school. 

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